The Personal Sheeeit
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Hey I'm just a normal kid. I went to high school, got in a few fights, kissed a couple girls, played some sports, and now I'm in college. I still don't know what the Hell I want to do. I didn't do so well in Engineering, so this is my way out. School ain't so hard, it's just the classes that suck. That's my advice to the youth of the land, heh.

This is a picture of me at Long Beach, Washington. I was so bored one day that I built a tower. Then I climbed it and tried to look tough but failed because I was wearing bright red Converse All-Stars. Yea, awesome.

The best thing I do is ski, I've been doing it since I was 4. I just started snowboarding last season, so I get crap from both sides now. I play my guitar whenever I can, sometimes it pisses my Dave-Mathews-obsessed roommate off. I hope to record some songs sooner or later, look for me on the next Farmclub special, ha. I write poetry and song lyrics when I'm bored off my ass or when something terrible happens in my life. Look for all that shit to be on my site one day, it's pretty cool. Other than that, I just kick it with my friends when there's nothing else to do.

Okay, another thing I really care about, my music. I'd have to say I dig everything. And I'm not talking like "Oh I have Britney Spears and Incubus so I listen to everything!" that's a fuckin copout. My CD collection is insane (283 right now), I've got Mozart to Metallica, Snoop Dogg to Slipknot, Backstreet Boys to Bachman Turner Overdrive, and Garth Brooks to Guns n Roses. I KNOW you can agree that you've got something in common with me now.